Friday, September 14, 2012


People have been asking about the girl's names, how we came up with them and how we decided which one was which.  So, here it is.

For starters, this pregnancy was so very different from all our other pregnancies for quite a number of reasons.  With such a high mortality rate I had a hard time letting myself get too attached to the girls while I was still pregnant.  People asked me constantly if we had names picked out and even though we had a pretty good idea of the names we would use I couldn't really allow myself to commit to them.  I didn't want to personalize the girls too much as a way to protect myself emotionally if we lost them.  

I thank my Heavenly Father a hundred times a day that we didn't lose them!

Korby and I usually have a very difficult time coming up with names that we both like.  And now we would have to double it?!?

It actually worked out quite easily~ which was a pleasant surprise.

Neither of us are quite sure of where we picked up the names, but I fell in love with the name Colette and Korby really liked the name Naomi.  

Then Korby suggested using Lynn as a middle name (which is my middle name) and I suggested using Ann (which is my mom's middle name).  

And that is how we came up with the names Naomi Lynn and Colette Anna (we liked the extra syllable with Anna instead of just Ann).

How did we figure out which one was which?

While I was pregnant and the girls were on the monitors, one of the babies (Baby A)stayed pretty much in the same spot for at least the last month of the pregnancy.  The other baby (Baby B) moved all over the place.  They would sometimes have to use an ultrasound machine multiple times an hour to find where she had moved to.  In my mind I thought that of the 2 names, Colette sounded like the feistier of the two.  So, I thought that Baby B would be Colette.

When they were born, they were passed through the window into their NICU room.  While the doctors were finishing up with me, we could occasionally hear one of the babies crying through the closed window.  The doctors told us that the baby must be crying pretty loud, since they can't usually hear them through the window.  I knew immediately that the crying baby was Colette.  And it turns out she was Baby B.

It also turns out that we have had multiple nurses (who didn't know about the above story) have used the exact word "feisty" to describe Colette!

We have been asked if we can tell the girls apart yet and the answer is~ No.  The main reason (aside from being identical)  is that we have not been able to see the girls together yet.  They are in separate beds on opposite sides of the room.  As of right now, the girls are not allowed to be by each other because of the risk of transferring an infection or other illness.   The only way I can tell them apart right now is that Naomi has a pink bow in her hair and Colette has a purple bow in hers and that they stay on their own sides of the room.  

Hopefully we can come up with a more permanent way to tell them apart before bringing them home!

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