Friday, September 7, 2012

Gaining Some Perspective

I have learned so many different things from everything we have experienced so far with the pregnancy and I am continuing to learn during this new phase of life with babies in the NICU.

One thing that I am learning is perspective.  Yes, being in the hospital for almost 7 weeks was a very long time, but when compared to how long I will get to hold, love and treasure these little girls it wasn't very long at all.  It just depends your perspective.  Every day in the hospital, especially the time I was on full bed rest, I would wake up in the morning and tell myself~
 "I can do this for one more day.  It will be good for the babies.  Today will be one less day that we will have to spend in the NICU."
It would have been so easy to mope and groan about being there (which I did do quite a bit), but overall I tried to have a semi-good attitude about the situation and look at things in the right perspective.  

That being said~ it has been hard to convey in pictures just how small and delicate these little girls are.  So, some advice we got from other NICU parents is to take "Perspective Pictures" (which is how I got on a roll of talking about perspective).  Anyway, here are pictures of the girls that will hopefully give you a better perspective of their size.  

And please don't make fun or laugh~ one of these days I will upgrade my 6 year old phone and get something cooler :)  BTW~ my phone is smaller than an i-phone.



Have I mentioned how in love I am with these girls?!?  I will say it again~ I absolutely love and adore these two sweet beautiful girls! (who are doing wonderfully I might add!)


  1. That does help visualize how teeny tiny they are! I was reviewing some of Ashton's hospital pictures and remembered that my mom printed signs on the computer for day 1, day 2, day 3, etc. The best one was "time to go home!" (Yes, that day will come for your girls, too.) It's fun to look back now--it showed his progress each day post-surgery. Sometimes Bryan would take a paper towel from the room and write funny things and place it next to Ash prior to taking a picture, like "2:00 am and I'm still smiling" because he never slept. Let me know if you want some printed and some blanks. I'm happy to make them cute & girly. Maybe weeks would be better, than days?

  2. I am loving these sweet little babies! Are they rolled on their sides to prevent bedsores?

  3. I love perspective pictures. I have a friend whose baby was born at 24 weeks and she took a shot of the preemie diaper the size of a crayon box! Your girls are tiny, but beautiful and all yours! What a miracle and blessing they are!!
