Wednesday, September 5, 2012

It Was All Worth It

Yesterday was a WONDERFUL day!

I was able to hold my girls for almost an hour each!

They did great!

I was in heaven!!!!

Here I am holding Naomi.  They call it "Kangaroo Care" which is holding the baby skin to skin.  As soon as Naomi was placed on my chest she let out a big sigh and then she didn't move again for the entire hour.  Her breathing has been continuously faster than normal since she was born, but while I was holding her it was the calmest she has ever been.  She just needed some "mommy time."

Later that night I was able to hold Colette.  She stayed awake for a little bit while I was holding her and she had her eyes opened.  Then she settled in~ she and mom both took a little nap together :) 

They can only stay out of their isolette (covered, temp controlled bed) as long as all their stats are stable.  The nurses were surprised that both girls did so well out of their beds for that long.  It was such a special, humbling experience to hold each of these little miracles.  They are sooo..... tiny!  But they are mine!  And being able to hold them made it feel just that much more real that these two little girls are here.  

Here is Colette with her eyes opened.   

Here is Naomi with her eyes opened.  She is holding onto my finger with her left hand :)


  1. Oh! I am just so happy for you! They are just so precious and beautiful. I am amazed at how tiny they are and how well they are doing! So great!!!

  2. They. Are. Beautiful! I'm so glad they are doing so well. Sweet experiences. Definitely worth it.

  3. I am so happy that they are here and you were finally able to hold them! They are beautiful little girls, thanks for sharing this!

  4. Congrats, Jenni!! They are amazing and adorable - way to go, girl!! So glad to see the pics - congrats to your whole family!!

  5. It really is a miracle that they are doing so well! These girls deserve an A+ for being the best momo-twins ever!!!!

  6. Congrats! They are such little miracles. Makes me excited for my little guy to get here. Your family is just glowing in all the pictures.
