Monday, September 3, 2012

Birth Story and Pictures

Here's how it happened~

Saturday night around 9 pm the girls heart rates started showing a pattern of mild distress.  Nothing to rush me off to the OR, but they figured that I was close enough that it wasn't worth waiting another 1 1/2 days.  So, they started prepping me for surgery and everything was ready to go when they realized that I had just eaten about 4 hours ago.  Since it wasn't an emergency to get the girls out and it would have been more risky for me to undergo surgery with a full stomach, my doctor decided to wait until the morning to deliver the girls.  Needless to say, I was so worked up and anxious that I was up literally all night long!

Sunday morning around 8am they started re-prepping me for surgery.  They came and got me at 9:30 and we went back to the OR.  Korby had given me a blessing the night before.  I was anxious and nervous all night and morning, but as soon as I got into the OR I had a complete feeling of peace, joy and happiness~ my girls were almost here.  

I was given a mix of a spinal block and an epidural, hooked up to a couple of other things and then the sheet went up.  I couldn't see a thing that was going on and Korby didn't do very well to watch any of it.  Mostly he would just hold the camera up over the sheet and try to get shots of what was going on.

Naomi Lynn was born at 9:47.  She weighed 3.3 pounds and was 15.4 inches.
Colette Anna was born at 9:48.  She weighed 3.1 pounds and was 16.1 inches.

They were passed immediately from the doctor through a window directly into their NICU room.  They pulled down the sheet so that I could see the babies for the quick seconds before they were passed on.  I wasn't able to see Naomi at all, but I did get to see Colette be delivered.  They were so small and purple, but beautiful at the same time.  While they were finishing up my surgery we could hear the babies crying on the other side of the window~ it was so wonderful to hear them!   

The surgery lasted almost exactly 1 hour.  They took me back to my Labor and Delivery room to recover while Korby was able to go into the NICU to see the babies.  I think it was a little overwhelming for him to see them for the first time.  We had seen other babies in the NICU before, but never that small.  About 1 hour after the surgery they took me back to the NICU (in my bed) to see the girls.  I couldn't see them very well since I couldn't sit up or move much, but I did get to be by them for a little while.

Then they took me upstairs to my new room where I will be for the next few days before going home.  I am right next door to my previous room.  Needless to say, I was exhausted!  Korby and I both took a nap and spent the rest of the afternoon just resting and waiting for my epidural to wear off enough for me to be able to at least handle sitting in a wheel chair to go downstairs to see the babies again.  

Korby's mom and dad came that afternoon to see that babies.  Korby took them to see the girls while I was still resting.  Later that night my mom came to see the girls.  I was feeling well enough to sit up, so I got to be wheeled down to see the girls with my mom.  It was such a special experience.  They are definitely tiny, hooked up to a lot of different monitors, and it is overwhelming to have all of that doubled.  At the same time it was so humbling to see how precious they are and to feel their sweet spirits.  

So far my recovery has gone extremely well.  I think Heavenly Father knew that after what I have gone through the last 6 weeks that I wouldn't be able to handle much else.

The girls are doing well~ all things considered.  The nurses keep saying that they are "acting appropriate for their gestational age."  For being born at 32 weeks they are developmentally exactly where they would expect them to be and having the issues that most babies that early experience.  So far, they haven't had any major issues.  There are so many different monitors, and so much information to take in that we haven't had a chance to figure it all out yet.  As time goes on I will be able to give more specific information about their situation, but for the moment we are trusting all the doctors and nurses and we are very confident that our girls are getting the very best care possible.    

Here is Colette being born!   

Here is a picture of me after the babies were both out~ I literally couldn't stop smiling.  It felt so wonderful to know that everything we went through with this pregnancy was worth it to have both of our little girls finally here!

Here is a picture of Colette on her "birth" day.  I love how relaxed she looks with her arm out to the side.

Here is Colette this morning with her eyes opened.  The nurse was doing her "cares."

Here is Naomi on her "birth" day.  It looks to me like she is already practicing some yoga/ mediation .  That's my girl!

Here is Naomi with Korby's hand.  She is so tiny and precious!

It still doesn't feel quite real that these girls are ours and that eventually we will be taking them both home and adding them to our already busy household.  But we are so thankful to our Heavenly Father who kept them safe and protected to get them here.  We also want to thank and acknowledge how grateful we are to all our friends and family for all the prayers and well wishes that we have received on behalf of these little miracles.  You have made it much easier to endure the last 6 weeks and have boosted our spirits to hopefully be able to endure the next 6 or so weeks before these little girls are ready to come home.  

More updates and pictures to come! 


  1. They are so beautiful and perfect!

  2. Thank you for the post and pictures! What darling little girls! We are so happy for you guys and can't wait to meet these precious miracles. :)

  3. I'm so happy they are here safe! What sweet little blessings.

  4. Congratulations. What beautiful babies they are. Best of luck to you guys!

  5. Gosh! I LOVE them SOOO much already!!!

  6. Oh I'm so glad that you had a smooth & successful delivery! The girls are so precious, and tiny! Wow. And I love that smile on your face. I just imagine the feeling of relief at that moment. What a great day for your family.

  7. In the pictures they look so big & perfect. :)
