Monday, August 6, 2012

Taste of Freedom

I was starting to work on this post Saturday morning before I ended up spending the day on monitors, so it is now a little late...

Last Sunday I started to notice I have having pain on one side of my mouth in the back.  It continued to get worse throughout the week.  By Wednesday it was really bothering me, so I asked my doctor what my options were.  How do I go to the dentist while an inpatient at the hospital?  No one really knew what to do~ how often does a maternity patient need to go to the dentist?  There was a lot of back and forth.  My doctor wanted me to go right away in case I had an infection that got into my blood and effected the babies.  My nurses told me I was not allowed to leave the hospital for any reason.  A hospital social worker got involved and found a mobile dentist that would come to the hospital, but they wouldn't accept our insurance.

In the end, I was officially discharged from the hospital Thursday morning at 10 after my morning monitoring.  I went to my dentist at 10:30.  I had an infection in my gums (a common problem for pregnant women my dentist told me).  And luckily a very quick fix~ a shot of antibiotics into my gums and an antibiotic mouth rise that I have to use twice a day.  I was done by 10:45.  

I also wasn't in any big hurry to get back to the hospital.  So, Korby and I drove downtown and went to the best Belgium waffle spot ever!  I don't know the name of it, but it is just north of Pioneer park.  It was delicious!!!!!

After that, Korby needed to get back to work~ so back to the hospital I went where I had to be officially readmitted.  It was a bit of a hassle, but my mouth feels soooo... much better  And best of all~ I got to leave the hospital for 2 hours with my husband, get some freshly prepared food and it was so nice to just feel like I was part of civilization again!  

You can see my hospital wrist band~ it is really annoying to have on all the time 

I know the last couple of posts haven't been the most upbeat.  But overall things are going really well.  I may have had a couple of frustration days, but the babies are doing GREAT~ and that is all that really matters!


  1. How do you look so cute after being the hospital for 2 Weeks and going to the dentist and being pregnant with twins??? You look fantastic!!!

  2. You are a super champ! I can't even imagine how tiring/boring/frustrating it is to be cooped up in a hospital all day. So glad you got to "escape" for a little while. Even if it was to visit the dentist!

    *I had an infection in my gums once - it got really big (I was on 2 antibiotics and vicodin) and it was the worst pain of my life! (next to childbirth). I'm glad that yours was a quick fix.

  3. We went to Bruges Waffles last summer. More like dessert than breakfast, but so yummy! I'm so glad you got to enjoy some fresh air and get away for a little while...even for something as yucky as a tooth ache.

    Any time you're up for visitors and fresh food, I'll bring you some. Just place your order. ;) Try to enjoy the boredom, though. The longer your bored, the better for those sweet girls of yours. Hugs.

  4. You aren't negative, you're real and it's refreshing! I hope your birthday didn't totally stink while you were stuck in the hospital. Your kids were great today. Your boys thought it would be the best birthday present for you to have the twins today. I prayed even harder they would stay in for awhile longer. Good luck!
