Monday, August 27, 2012

Counting Down

Still not much to report.  Things are just the same, but we are now at 31 weeks!  We are on the schedule for next Monday, September 3rd to deliver these little babies :)  Ironic that I will be having these babies on Labor Day, considering I won't actually be going through labor.     

As it gets closer, it is becoming more real and I am getting more nervous.  How in the world do you prepare to have twins?  How do you prepare to have babies in the NICU?

I don't think there is really any way to prepare for it.  It will be baptism by fire and we will be taking things one day, one hour, and I'm sure at times even one minute at a time.  

Sorry I haven't posted any pictures.  I'm sure you all know what a TV looks like.  Between the TV and the computer screen charting the babies heart rates, there isn't a whole lot else that I look at throughout the day.

Overall things really are going okay.  Yes it stinks to be on bed rest, but at least I am healthy and my babies are healthy.  If I have survived 5 weeks in the hospital (2 of which I have been on bed rest) then I can definitely handle 6 1/2 more days.  

As nervous and anxious I am about the circumstances of these babies being born so small and so early, I am getting so excited to see them, hold them (eventually) and just love them forever!!!!


  1. Do you want me to make you a paper chain for the next week? Or maybe a brown bag with a prize inside for each day (like we would do for every 50 miles on road trips to Utah)? I actually think it would be fun to see pictures from your perspective- the TV, the monitors, your window... I'm sure it all seems boring but in a few months (or maybe more like years!) you might forget what it felt like to be in that bed 24 hours a day.
    Give your tummy a pat from Aunt Mary and report back to me if there is any wiggling in response!

  2. Have the girls hit the 3 lb milestone yet? Enjoy the quiet and the rest. Come Monday there will be no such thing as bed rest for mom. Can't wait to meet your little ladies.

  3. You're "enduring" well "twin Momma". Did you take up knitting yet? I could still bring some yarn. That's how bored I was waiting for my little guy 3 wks on bed rest.
    Actually, I thought your room was lovely - are you in the same room? It was super nice for a hospital room. It was so spacious. I loved all the family pics on your doors most of all and the view with all the sunshine too.

  4. thinking of your, your babies, and the rest of the fam! yay for labor day!

  5. What a blessing that you will make it to the 32 week mark! I think of you so often and can't wait to hold those babies.
