Friday, August 24, 2012

Status Quo

Well, I don't have much to say these days. Things are just the same.  
I'm still on bed rest. 
 I am still pregnant.  
Babies are still doing (most of the time).

~10 more days to go~  


  1. So glad you posted, even if it was "not much to say" as you said :). I was hoping things were going well and kind of dying for info!

  2. I agree...nice to hear from you, Jenni. I'm glad things are still same ol' same ol'. What a blessing that you've made it this far already. Hugs.

  3. I never visited you in the hospital, though I think of you periodically. I am so glad you are surviving the hospital stay. Korby said this is the last week. You must be facing a million questions, thoughts/emotions/physical pains, etc. as you anticipate the births of these little girls. We are praying for you, them and your little family. We are so glad to know you guys and would do anything for you. Hope you always know that!
