Saturday, August 18, 2012


The reality of our situation is becoming more and more real, more nerve wracking, and more overwhelming.

I am writing this post from my bed down in Labor and Delivery where I have been stuck since Monday.  The babies have started to show more and more signs of cord entanglement, so I am now on full bed rest with 24 hour continuous monitoring.  The girls are doing great~ most of the time.  The times they're not doing well are concerning enough for the doctors to want to watch them as much as possible, but not so disturbing that they are concerned about doing an emergency delivery. 

Tomorrow, Sunday, I will be 30 weeks.  Only 2 more weeks to go! So far I am handling bed rest as well as possible (I guess).  I'm not so sure how I will handle 2 more weeks of it.  

Yesterday Korby and I were given a tour of the NICU.  It was very overwhelming!!!!!!!  They already have the girls beds ready there, so we were shown the room that they will be in once they are born.  There is SOOO.... much to take in, so much information, so many possible outcomes, so many cords and wires~ and we have to double all of it!  

All of that said~ every day these babies are still inside is a great day.  And as hard as it is for me personally, I would willingly do anything to keep these babies as safe as possible. 

 I know I am complaining a lot lately about everything, but I am actually so thankful to still be here.  I am so thankful that my babies are healthy, that I am healthy, that I am still pregnant.  I have heard it a thousand times from others and I tell myself multiple times hourly~ this will all be worth it in the end.  I am getting so excited to meet these little girls, to get to know them, to hold and snuggle them, and to just love them with all my heart!  


  1. Happy 30 weeks, Jenni! We saw Korby at the library on Monday and he said you'd had a hard day. Then when you didn't post all week I wondered if it was a hard week or if the babies were here. I'm so glad you're on 24 monitoring as opposed to an earlier than hoped for delivery!

    You don't sound at all like you're complaining. It sounds to me like you are trying to make the best of a very difficult situation. Keep smiling. Just 2 weeks to go! You've been and will continue to be in our prayers!

  2. What a great mom you are and what a great example of patience and love you are to all around you! I am so sorry you have to be on bed rest and continuous monitoring, but I agree with you, it will all be worth it! I hope those little ones can stay in for 2 more weeks! We are praying for you all :)

  3. The nice thing is, you can call me and complain any time you want! I will listen again and again! Complaining helps- you have to get your emotions out some way right?!
    The NICU will be really scary at first, but just like you have quickly learned about all of your monitors and screens, you will quickly learn about all the monitors and screens and cords and wires for your baby girls. Each day more and more things will be removed and you will be one step closer to bringing those sweethearts home!!

  4. You're amazing, Jenni. You don't sound like you're complaining at all. I marvel at your faith.

  5. oh the cords and wires... always in the way when you want to hold them and they seem so uncomfortable, but don't let that be a discouragement. one positive note about the nicu - it put my girls on a good schedule that we were able to continue at home.
