Monday, October 15, 2012

Home At Last


Friday was a very busy and stressful morning.  There were so many different people to talk to, so much information to be given, paperwork to go over and sign.  And all of that on top of getting ready to take these 2 little girls home.

It was very overwhelming.

I had all these pictures in my mind that I wanted to take to try to remember some of our last moments of being in the NICU.
But when it came time to leave it was just too overwhelming, stressful with too much going on.

So here is the 1 picture that we took as we were leaving

I loved seeing this quote every time I walked into the NICU.

Colette in her car bed.

Naomi in her car bed.

The girls sleeping at home. Colette on left, Naomi on right.

The girls sharing a swing. Naomi on left, Colette on right.

Close up of the girls in their swing.

How do you feed 2 girls at the same time?  Have them help out.  Naomi's bottle resting on Colette and Colette's bottle resting on my leg.

Two tired and tuckered out girls after finishing their bottles. 

We are all tired but so far things are going well.  

I set up this blog to document my pregnancy, hospitalization stay and the girls birth and stay in the NICU.  
Now that we are home and all doing well, I will not be updating this blog anymore.
I will be going back to my family blog.  I'm not sure how often I will get around to updating it.
But I will try~

Thank you to everyone who has taken the time to read this.  Thank you for all the good thoughts, well wishes, prayers and all the support.  
We are so blessed to have these beautiful girls in our lives!!!!


  1. So happy that you are able to end this blog on such a wonderful note! We are so glad for the girls safe arrival and that they were able to come home so soon with you all! Love to your family!

  2. beautiful tiny baby girls. they are so sweet and i'm glad they finally get to join everyone at home.

  3. You did it! They did it! They best the odds and are home, heathy and growing! Keep the pictures coming as often as you can!

  4. Wahoo! So excited for you :) They are beautiful and little fighters!

  5. The girls look so sweet together! Hooray for making it home! To think of all the risks and statistics that you were facing when you went into this . . . . They are little miracles!
