Saturday, August 4, 2012

A Hard Day

Today was a good reminder of why I am here.  This morning at 8 I went for my morning monitoring and almost immediately Baby B (still not set on names yet) had a small deceleration in her heart rate.  When that happens I get sent to labor and delivery to be monitored for an undetermined extended period of time.  After 2 hours they were both looking great when Baby A had a small decel (around 11 am).  That led to an even longer extended monitoring that lasted until 5pm!  Decelerations are normal for babies being monitored.  The difference is, with our twins they can't tell if it is a "normal" deceleration or if it is a sign that their cords are being compressed and cutting off the blood supply to that baby.  Neither of the decels were very low and neither lasted very long, so it wasn't anything they were very anxious or nervous about.  They just wanted to be extra cautious.  Both babies are great!

Being in labor and delivery for monitoring is hard!  For starters, the beds are mega uncomfortable!  I think it would act as an incentive for women in labor to hurry up and have their babies just so they can get out of those beds.  They also don't let you eat or drink anything, just as a precaution.  However, I had breakfast at 7:30 in the morning and they didn't let me eat until 2:30 when I broke down in tears and couldn't stop crying. Not being able to eat for 7 hours for a very pregnant woman is horrible!!!


I am  back in my room tonight!  Korby and the kids along with my mom and dad came and visited me tonight.  Korby brought me some dinner that a friend of ours had made for us (thanks Nicki!)  It was so nice to eat a home cooked meal!  

Today was hard, frustrating, long, tiring, and a scary reminder of how quickly things can go wrong with this pregnancy.  However, at the end of the day it was also a reminder of just how much I have to be thankful for!  My wonderful husband, my amazing kids at home, these 2 little miracle babies, all my family and friends, and my loving Heavenly Father that I am learning to depend on more and more every day! 

Crossing my fingers that tomorrow is a better day!


  1. Thank you for the regular updates!!

  2. I'm sorry I didn't get to talk to you yesterday. In glad everything is okay but still sad you had such a long, uncomfortable and worrisome day. XO!

  3. We included you and your babies in our fast today. I am hoping to get to visit you soon. Take care!
